Posting 3
Thursday, February 21, 2008,3:42 AM
I have just researched and found some wonderful animals!!! Let me introduce them to you(classified by SPECIAL ABILITY).FurlessThere are some furless animals like the Mexican Hairless Dog and the Sphynx cat which are bred hairless. The Sphynx cat even feels suede to the touch.Hearing
Some animals, like the cricket have an amazing way of hearing- through its legs, in the way that the sound waves vibrate a thin layer of membrane on its front legs which help it to hear.EyesLet me introduce you to an amazing animals which special features are at the eyes. The seahorse can move each eye independantly. Also, the scallop has 100 eyes to detect shadows of predators!!! A fly also has eyes of 3,000 lens.TasteA rabbit has 17,000 tastebuds which lets it taste wonderfully!Awkward informationSome animals even have magnetic fields like a bee worker. It has a ring of iron oxide to detect changes in the earth's magnetic field for navigation. Wouldn't it be useful? For more information, please visit
Monday, February 11, 2008,10:45 PM
Oh no, i cannot type chinese on my blog! any suggestions to improve please send me an email to . all comments are thanked and appreciated.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008,12:36 AM
今天是星期二. lu老师叫我们这一班, 6J, 在我们blog里写日记. 明天是chinese new year eve, 所以我们会在学校看一些同学表演.艺术今年是我的年, 所以是鼠年.今年我要拿PSLE,所以我要努力学习. 对了, 我的名字是王靖怡. 我有一些好朋友, elaine, hui qi, xin yuan, vanessa, jia ling, sabrina... 这是我的第一的日记, 所一不长. 在chinese new year后半部我才把比较多东西放上!
Posting 2
Sunday, February 3, 2008,9:48 PM
hi again!!2 weeks ago, our english teacher, Mrs Yit, asked us to created an autobiography. This is what I wrote on that A4 piece of paper. In 1996, I was born at Thomson Medical Centre and within that same year, I had my first teeth. I had my first holiday(to Hong Kong) in 1997. Also, my first award was in that same year(14 months) [Baby show, Group B, Consolation] and took my first step. Also, i had my first full sentence, "i want milk".In 1998, i went to Japan and Koh Samui, and also celebrated my second birthday at Mcdonalds.Then, in 2002, I reached 1 metre in height and started playing the piano. I graduated from my kindergarden, Kinderland, too!In both 2005 and 2007, i got third in class, and a character award at, also, 2005. These awards are considered an improvement for me, especially the third-in-class award.Now, this year, 2008, i am in the top normal stream class, 6J, and i hope to go to a choice secondary school after my PSLE(Primary School Leaving Examination).bye, cheryl, chocolate lover